Class FDate

Represents a date (with year, month and day).



  • get day(): number

    Get the day of the month. => 1-31

    Returns number

  • get dayName(): string

    Get the name of the day. => Monday

    Returns string

  • get dayNameShort(): string

    Get the short name of the day. => Mon

    Returns string

  • get month(): number

    Get the month.

    Months are one-indexed, so January is month 1. => 1-12

    Returns number

  • get monthName(): string

    Get the name of the month. => January

    Returns string

  • get monthNameShort(): string

    Get the short name of the month. => Jan

    Returns string

  • get week(): number

    Get the week according to the Swedish locale.

    Returns number

  • get weekDay(): 0 | Weekday

    Get number of the day in a week. Returns Weekday enum. If date is invalid, 0 is returned. => Weekday.MONDAY / 1

    Returns 0 | Weekday

  • get year(): number

    Get the year. => 2022

    Returns number


  • Returns a new FDate object with a specified amount of days added. Specify a negative amount in order to subtract days.

    FDate().addDays(7)// => FDate


    • value: number

    Returns FDate

  • Returns a cloned FDate object with a specified amount of months added. Specify a negative amount in order to subtract months.

    FDate().addMonths(7)// => FDate


    • value: number

    Returns FDate

  • Returns a new FDate object with a specified amount of years added. Specify a negative amount in order to subtract years.

    FDate().addYears(7)// => FDate


    • value: number

    Returns FDate

  • Compares two FDate objects and returns true if they represent the same date.

    Invalid dates always returns false.


    • rhs: string | FDate

      The date to compare with.

    Returns boolean

    true if the dates represent the same date.

  • Returns true if this date is after given date.

    If the dates are the same this function returns false.


    Returns boolean

  • Returns true if this date is before given date.

    If the dates are the same this function returns false.


    Returns boolean

  • This returns a boolean indicating whether the FDate object contains a valid date or not.

    FDate().isValid()// => boolean

    Returns boolean

  • To serialize as an ISO8601 string.

    FDate().toJSON() // "2019-01-25"

    Returns string

  • Returns a string representation of the date.

    FDate().toString() // "2022-05-04"
    FDate().toString(DateFormat.FULL) // "onsdag 4 maj 2022"
    FDate().toString(DateFormat.LONG) // "4 maj 2022"
    FDate().toString(DateFormat.ISO8601) // "2022-04-20"


    • format: DateFormat = DateFormat.ISO8601

      Format to use.

    Returns string

  • Compares two FDate objects. Returns and integer indicating whenever a comes before or after or is equal to b.

    • -1 if a beomes before b.
    • 0 if a and b are the same date.
    • 1 if a beomes after b.

    If either or both date is invalid the result is undefined behaviour and should not be relied on. Use FDate.isValid to ensure validity first, e.g. myArray.filter(it => it.isValid()) before sorting.


    • a: string | FDate

      First date object to compare.

    • b: string | FDate

      Second date object to compare.

    Returns number

    -1, 0 or 1

  • Create FDate from Date.

    FDate.fromDate(new Date())


    • value: Date

    Returns FDate

  • Create FDate from ISO8601 string.



    • value: string

    Returns FDate

  • Create FDate from year, month, day.

    FDate.fromYearMonthDay(2023, 1, 1) // => 2023-01-01
    FDate.fromYearMonthDay("2023", "01", "01") // => 2023-01-01


    • year: string | number
    • month: string | number
    • day: string | number

    Returns FDate