
Scripts can be compiled with the bultin compileScript() function:

Generator.compileScript(name, src, options, buildOptions);
name: string

Unique name for this script. Used when referencing the script and as the base of the output filename.

src: string

Path to the script entrypoint.

options: CompileOptions Optional

Options for this script.

appendTo Optional

If and where the script should be injected into the document.

One of:

  • "head" - a <script> tag is automatically injected into <head>.
  • "body" - a <script> tag is automatically injected into <body>.
  • "none" - the script is not injected automatically.

If the script is not injected it is included in the importmap and can be referenced by other scripts with import("name").

Default is "none".

attributes: Record<string, unknown> Optional

Extra HTML attributes to set on the <script> tag.

priority: number Optional

Assets with higher priority is sorted and loaded earlier than assets with lower.

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