
manifestProcessor is a processor writing out a manifest listing all generated documents that will be present in the outputFolder. The manifest can be written in:

  • Markdown format
  • JSON format

This page describes the processor for writing the manifest as a file on disk, for programmatical usage use:

const config = {
    sourceFiles: [
        /* ... */
const docs = new Generator({
    /* ... */
const manifest = await docs.manifest(config.sourceFiles);


const docs = new Generator({
    processors: [
            markdown: "etc/",
            json: "etc/docs-manifest.json",


Manifest verification (requires markdown) can be performed by setting the verify flag to true:

+import isCI from "is-ci";
     markdown: "etc/",
+    verify: isCI,

With the flag set to true the manifest file etc/ will not be written but instead verified to ensure it is up-to-date. Typically this would be set to true in CI builds to ensure it is properly commited.

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